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የተሃድሶ ኢኮኖሚ

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  1. Module 01: Introduction
    1.1 Lesson-1: Interested in Regeneration?
  2. 1.2 Lesson-2: What is Regenerative Economy?
  3. 1.3 Lesson-3: Principles of Regenerative Economy
    9 ????
  4. 1.4 Lesson-4: Towards Regenerative Economy
    1 ???? ???
  5. Module-02: Go Beyond the Circles
    2.1 Lesson-1: From Linear to Circular Economy
  6. 2.2 Lesson-2: The Nested System
  7. 2.3 Lesson-3: From Focusing on the Product to Focusing on the Process
    1 ???? ???
  8. Module-03: Regenerative Economy Mindset Shifting
    3.1 Lesson-1: Shift Mindset to Transform the System
    1 ???
  9. 3.2 Lesson-2: Shift Mindset: ?Doing? to ?Being?
    2 ????
  10. 3.3 Lesson-3: Shift Mindset: ?Ego? to ?Soul?
    1 ???
    1 ???? ???
  11. Module 04: Regenerative Economy Framework
    4.1 Lesson-1: Levels of Paradigm
    6 ????
  12. 4.2 Lesson-2: Understanding Levels of Paradigm as a System
  13. 4.3 Lesson-3: Evolving a Practice of Regenerative Economics
    5 ????
  14. 4.4 Lesson-4: Quantitative Growth to Qualitative Growth
    2 ????
    1 ???? ???
  15. Module 05: Collaborative Approach to Regenerative Economy
    5.1 Lesson-1: Ecology and Regenerative Economy 1
  16. 5.2 Lesson-2: Economy of Human Development
    9 ????
  17. 5.3 Lesson-3: Regenerative Approach to Whole Economic Development
    7 ????
  18. 5.4 Lesson-4: Regenerative Culture
    3 ????
    1 ???? ???
  19. Module 06: Regenerative Investment
    6.1 Lesson-1: The Role of Businesses
    2 ????
  20. 6.2 Lesson-2: Investing from a Regenerative Mind
    1 ???
  21. 6.3 Lesson-3: Food System Investing in a Regenerative Economy
    4 ????
    1 ???? ???
  22. ማጠቃለያ
????? Progress
0% Complete

All of the things that the Earth has produced include the feminine energy. Although she is not limited to or associated with a specific sex, we nonetheless refer to her using feminine pronouns. The Feminine Energy is the driving force behind expansion and progress, and She does it by virtue of her very being.

  • She represents the spiral’s swirls
  • She is the desire for expansion.
  • She represents the idea before it becomes reality.
  • She is flexible and rebellious.
  • She is unconstrained and unbound.
  • She represents an unstoppable power.
  • She represents the idea before it is actually created,
  • She is the contours of a shape, and the energy that has been repressed.
  • She holds the secret to the lock.

ስህተት፡ ይዘት የተጠበቀ ነው!