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Economia Regenerativa

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  1. Mòdul 01: Introducció
    1.1 Lliçó-1: T'interessa la regeneració?
  2. 1.2 Lliçó-2: Què és l'economia regenerativa?
  3. 1.3 Lliçó-3: Principis d'Economia Regenerativa
    9 Temes
  4. 1.4 Lliçó-4: Cap a una economia regenerativa
    1 Quiz
  5. Mòdul-02: Anar més enllà dels cercles
    2.1 Lliçó-1: De l'economia lineal a la circular
  6. 2.2 Lliçó-2: El sistema imbricat
  7. 2.3 Lliçó-3: De centrar-se en el producte a centrar-se en el procés
    1 Quiz
  8. Mòdul-03: Canvi de mentalitat d'economia regenerativa
    3.1 Lliçó-1: Canvia la mentalitat per transformar el sistema
    1 Tema
  9. 3.2 Lliçó-2: Canvi de mentalitat: ?Fent? a ?Ser?
    2 Temes
  10. 3.3 Lliçó-3: Canvi de mentalitat: ?Ego? a ?Soul?
    1 Tema
    1 Quiz
  11. Mòdul 04: Marc d'Economia Regenerativa
    4.1 Lliçó-1: Nivells de paradigma
    6 Temes
  12. 4.2 Lliçó-2: Entendre els nivells de paradigma com a sistema
  13. 4.3 Lliçó-3: Evolució d'una pràctica d'economia regenerativa
    5 Temes
  14. 4.4 Lliçó 4: del creixement quantitatiu al creixement qualitatiu
    2 Temes
    1 Quiz
  15. Mòdul 05: Enfocament col·laboratiu de l'economia regenerativa
    5.1 Lliçó-1: Ecologia i economia regenerativa 1
  16. 5.2 Lliçó-2: Economia del desenvolupament humà
    9 Temes
  17. 5.3 Lliçó-3: Enfocament regeneratiu del desenvolupament econòmic global
    7 Temes
  18. 5.4 Lliçó-4: Cultura Regenerativa
    3 Temes
    1 Quiz
  19. Mòdul 06: Inversió regenerativa
    6.1 Lliçó-1: El paper de les empreses
    2 Temes
  20. 6.2 Lliçó-2: Invertir des d'una ment regenerativa
    1 Tema
  21. 6.3 Lliçó-3: El sistema alimentari inverteix en una economia regenerativa
    4 Temes
    1 Quiz
  22. Conclusió
Lliçó 9, Tema 2
En progrés

3.2.2 Què implica l'energia masculina?

març 10, 2025
Lliçó Progress
0% Completat

All of Earth’s creations include the Masculine Energy, which is a universal energy. Despite the fact that he is not limited to or associated with a specific sex, I nevertheless refer to him as a man. The Masculine Energy is what makes reality possible, and He advances with purpose and activity by only acting.

  • He is the activity for actualization,
  • He is the structure for the spiral
  • He is the source of nutrients for growth.
  • He is structured and well-known.
  • He is tied and held back.
  • He is the fluid container
  • He is the method of creation,
  • He is the lines that make up the shape,
  • He is the overvalued energy
  • He is the container that contains the key to the Feminine Energy.

How to use the Process of Self Transformation to transition from overrating the Masculine Energy (Doing) to the Feminine Energy (Being)

1. Recognize:

Our objective is to identify how this conditioning manifests in your way of being since we have been trained to overrate the masculine energy and devalue the feminine energy. Although the Masculine Energy is not inherently “evil,” we have the chance to acknowledge how its exaggeration has exacerbated the current crisis.

  • ACTION: Knowing the difference between masculine and feminine energy will help you recognize when you are in each. To recognize when you are in any of those stages of energetic being, you must have a conscious relationship with yourself.
  • LOOK FOR: Times when you are desiring doing, moving, acting or when you are seeking rest, introspection, contemplation, or creativity. When the urge strikes, do you offer yourself the green light to Be or Do? Does the structure of your life permit moments of Being?
  • TIP: Consider how you define the masculine and feminine energies. Do some of the descriptions of the masculine and feminine energies describe you? What would you say about them personally?

2. Deconstruct:

The more you can observe your connection to those energies and find obstacles that can prevent you from entering your “flow state” if you are capable of being unbiased observe when your energy is positioned in the Feminine or Masculine. In the “flow state,” as opposed to using an outside direction like work, you transition between the two energies effortlessly. Given the nature of some occupations, such as daily journalists who must meet strict deadlines, this is obviously very difficult. They may not have the chance or privilege to investigate their connection to the Feminine Energy.

  • ACTION: Find out if and how you permit yourself to osculate between both the two energies by being interested with yourself. When do you envision yourself as masculine? By the feminine? Do you allow these energies to flow through you?
  • LOOK FOR: Criticism or denial. These are frequently signs of an outside influence or a belief that your unconscious has acquired during your human experience.
  • TIP: If you see a point of resistance, ask yourself, “Why?” five times. This is a technique to assist you identify the source of your resistance, which is frequently what prevents you from interacting ‘naturally’ with the energies. Frequently, you will discover that the recalcitrant has a belief based on extrinsic indoctrination from their religion, family, workplace, society, or education. Can you identify resistance and identify its sources? Is it based on an outside belief? What purposes did it serve for you in the old days? How does this perception affect how you desire to place yourself within the energies?

3. Explore:

You have created the space and capability for something new after demolishing. You now have the opportunity to consider how you want to balance the two energies and what you would like to plan

your everyday activities to encourage flexibility.

  • ACTION: Concentrate on introducing one new element into your routine that is more in tune with the Feminine Spirit. You build an hour of “simply being” into your morning routine, free from any agenda or to-do list aside than creating space for your mind and energy to wander.
  • LOOK FOR: The “tickles” from your soul and inspiration from others. Is there a part of you that has internalized and been inspired by the way someone else lives? Does your soul yearn for specific experiences, such as mushroom hunting or sunset watching?
  • TIP: Just do what feels right. But keep in mind that because we have not respected the feminine energy and our way of “being,” resistance and discomfort are to be expected. But just because you encounter resistance and discomfort doesn’t necessarily imply it’s not for you. If you encounter resistance, go back to Deconstructing to determine whether it is a result of conditioning from outside sources. If not, it’s just something that doesn’t seem right to you, therefore carry on with your exploration to find other ways of Being and acting that do.

4. Embrace/Let Go:

After exploring, you’ll know better how to move between the two energies and which modes of behavior you should adopt, let go of, or investigate once more. This is supposed to be an ongoing procedure!

  • ACTION: If you choose to adopt a way of being, think about creating rituals. A deeper purpose of presence can be achieved through ritualizing an experience. Continue to check in with yourself on a schedule that suits you.
  • LOOK FOR: A great time to study the lunar cycle and the periodic energies. Although each of us has a natural rhythm, it is synchronized with Mother Earth’s larger processes, such as the lunar cycle and seasons, especially if you menstruate. For instance, you might hibernate and focus more on “being” in the winter, and you might jump into greater action and “doing” in the summer. You will spend more time “being” during the Full Moon and your periodic bleeding, and more time “doing” during the New Moon and your periodic ovulation. Understanding these larger networks will help you navigate and be in flow.
  • TIP: The more introspective you get, the simpler it will be to switch between the two energies or to recognize when it’s time to let go and try something new. Nothing is fixed and strict here; freedom is essential.

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