As evolutionary activists and agents of cultural transformation, we are able to align ourselves with the regenerative ideals that have steered life’s development toward greater diversity, integration, and collaboration.
In the end, the question is: Will we continue to compete with one another and sever the thread that connects all life in the process? Or, will we discover how to work together through regenerative design and transformative innovation to protect Earth’s life-support systems? Will we jointly develop thriving communities and dynamic, regenerative cultures for everyone?
Our lives will be more meaningful, satisfying, creative, and enjoyable as a result of choosing the route of regeneration and cooperation since it will increase everyone’s level of wellbeing, health, happiness, and equality. To those prepared to join the Re-Generation that is the promise! We have the power to create collective abundance for everyone if we so desire. First, we must pause and consider the alternative: What if we chose cooperation and renewal rather than exploitation and deterioration? What if we decide to get along rather than fight each other?