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Ekonomia Birsortzailea

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  1. Module 01: Introduction
    1.1 Lesson-1: Interested in Regeneration?
  2. 1.2 Lesson-2: What is Regenerative Economy?
  3. 1.3 Lesson-3: Principles of Regenerative Economy
    9 Gaiak
  4. 1.4 Lesson-4: Towards Regenerative Economy
    1 Galdetegia
  5. Module-02: Go Beyond the Circles
    2.1 Lesson-1: From Linear to Circular Economy
  6. 2.2 Lesson-2: The Nested System
  7. 2.3 Lesson-3: From Focusing on the Product to Focusing on the Process
    1 Galdetegia
  8. Module-03: Regenerative Economy Mindset Shifting
    3.1 Lesson-1: Shift Mindset to Transform the System
    1 Gai
  9. 3.2 Lesson-2: Shift Mindset: ?Doing? to ?Being?
    2 Gaiak
  10. 3.3 Lesson-3: Shift Mindset: ?Ego? to ?Soul?
    1 Gai
    1 Galdetegia
  11. Module 04: Regenerative Economy Framework
    4.1 Lesson-1: Levels of Paradigm
    6 Gaiak
  12. 4.2 Lesson-2: Understanding Levels of Paradigm as a System
  13. 4.3 Lesson-3: Evolving a Practice of Regenerative Economics
    5 Gaiak
  14. 4.4 Lesson-4: Quantitative Growth to Qualitative Growth
    2 Gaiak
    1 Galdetegia
  15. Module 05: Collaborative Approach to Regenerative Economy
    5.1 Lesson-1: Ecology and Regenerative Economy 1
  16. 5.2 Lesson-2: Economy of Human Development
    9 Gaiak
  17. 5.3 Lesson-3: Regenerative Approach to Whole Economic Development
    7 Gaiak
  18. 5.4 Lesson-4: Regenerative Culture
    3 Gaiak
    1 Galdetegia
  19. Module 06: Regenerative Investment
    6.1 Lesson-1: The Role of Businesses
    2 Gaiak
  20. 6.2 Lesson-2: Investing from a Regenerative Mind
    1 Gai
  21. 6.3 Lesson-3: Food System Investing in a Regenerative Economy
    4 Gaiak
    1 Galdetegia
  22. Ondorioa
Ikasgaia 3, Gai 4
In Progress

1.3.4 Principle 5: Maintain a good balance between different types of organizations.

ekaina 26, 2024
Ikasgaia Progress
0% Complete

Because this reflects the ideal configuration for a multiscale system of a particular size, long-term vitality necessitates (at least) approximate power law balance of administrative sizes. The Goldilocks Rule of banking suggests that commercial activity supports organizations built to service the financial demands of each size, from local to global, much how drainage basins generate water systems which include tributaries and big rivers to meet the activity at different scales.

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