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Regeneratiewe ekonomie

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  1. Module 01: Introduction
    1.1 Lesson-1: Interested in Regeneration?
  2. 1.2 Lesson-2: What is Regenerative Economy?
  3. 1.3 Lesson-3: Principles of Regenerative Economy
    9 Onderwerpe
  4. 1.4 Lesson-4: Towards Regenerative Economy
    1 Vasvra
  5. Module-02: Go Beyond the Circles
    2.1 Lesson-1: From Linear to Circular Economy
  6. 2.2 Lesson-2: The Nested System
  7. 2.3 Lesson-3: From Focusing on the Product to Focusing on the Process
    1 Vasvra
  8. Module-03: Regenerative Economy Mindset Shifting
    3.1 Lesson-1: Shift Mindset to Transform the System
    1 Onderwerp
  9. 3.2 Lesson-2: Shift Mindset: ?Doing? to ?Being?
    2 Onderwerpe
  10. 3.3 Lesson-3: Shift Mindset: ?Ego? to ?Soul?
    1 Onderwerp
    1 Vasvra
  11. Module 04: Regenerative Economy Framework
    4.1 Lesson-1: Levels of Paradigm
    6 Onderwerpe
  12. 4.2 Lesson-2: Understanding Levels of Paradigm as a System
  13. 4.3 Lesson-3: Evolving a Practice of Regenerative Economics
    5 Onderwerpe
  14. 4.4 Lesson-4: Quantitative Growth to Qualitative Growth
    2 Onderwerpe
    1 Vasvra
  15. Module 05: Collaborative Approach to Regenerative Economy
    5.1 Lesson-1: Ecology and Regenerative Economy 1
  16. 5.2 Lesson-2: Economy of Human Development
    9 Onderwerpe
  17. 5.3 Lesson-3: Regenerative Approach to Whole Economic Development
    7 Onderwerpe
  18. 5.4 Lesson-4: Regenerative Culture
    3 Onderwerpe
    1 Vasvra
  19. Module 06: Regenerative Investment
    6.1 Lesson-1: The Role of Businesses
    2 Onderwerpe
  20. 6.2 Lesson-2: Investing from a Regenerative Mind
    1 Onderwerp
  21. 6.3 Lesson-3: Food System Investing in a Regenerative Economy
    4 Onderwerpe
    1 Vasvra
  22. Afsluiting
Les 17, Onderwerp 6
In Progress

5.3.6 Phase Three: Institutionalizing Strategic Planning Patterns and Fields

April 2, 2023
Les Progress
0% Complete

A community will eventually want to institutionalize this strategy if it has been successful in maintaining momentum, learning, and success. In order to pass on regenerative insights and practices to succeeding generations of leaders, businesspeople, activists, and citizens, they will look for ways to build infrastructure and procedures. The long-term effects of consistent regeneration effort are significant. Through fostering community awareness and political will, this phase aims to activate governance institutions that will guarantee continued stewardship of place. The emphasis at this stage is on motivating, encouraging, and organizing creative projects that are in line with the core values and strategic direction of a community. To support the developmental culture that has been established in earlier phases, ongoing focus is paid to developing capability of self-organizing, strategic thinking, regenerative planning and design, and leadership.

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