About Alegría Natural
Alegria Natural is an online academy and an international research consultancy firm that focuses on wellness and sustainability. Totally independent and solely financed by its members, its mission is to advance Humanity from the grassroots up by promoting practices and initiatives that foster tangible positive change in societies and nature’s wellbeing.
At alegrianatural.co you can find the latest on wellness and sustainability from around the world.
If you want to be featured in our blog or seek other forms of collaboration, please, contact us on the following form
More about us
How was Alegria Natural born?

After working almost for almost a decade as an executive at a Fortune 500 company our founder, a decided to leave the hustle lifestyle of a corporate career and became fiercely dedicated to sustainable development and wellbeing research for more than a decade in locations such as:
Kathmandu, Greater Noida, Noorchak, Lumbini, Pokhara, Melbourne, Helsinki, Tallinn, Tanzania, Moscow, Bangkok, Bohol, Bali, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Spain, US and Hong Kong. Throughout these experiences Alegria Natural has hand-picked and gathered the best wellness solutions, modus operandi and ethical standards that give businesses and entrepreneurs a path to create well rounded business plans, while also caring to ensure a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Now, thanks to this site, we can curate the latest discoveries and ancient wisdom from internet and traslate them to more than 100 languages in the hopes that this can help us navigate challenging times and make us more aware of the people who are actually doing the work for a healthier society and planet. No dogmas, no agendas.
As you can imagine there are loads to share!
But first: YOU. Do you have a passion you want to tell us about? Are you bored of freely expressing yourself just by writing endless doodles in your notebook? Come talk to us about the lifestyle you and your loved ones are seeking, your values, your dreams for a better society. We’ll help you find a sustainable, profitable, and easy to execute idea with minimum investment on your side and support to execute it. These opportunities will be available in our community site: www.alegrianatural.com.
If you are an existing company that would like to plan becoming earth friendly and wellness driven, we take into account realistic milestones, without sacrificing customer service or product quality. We can work together to achieve that and more.
If you are an NGO, a government, a society, club or other kind of organization seeking your own sustainability & wellness plan (SWP), and you need support from people who have done and are willing to do the hard work, we are looking forward to working with you. That is our mission: to be of service offering realistic yet exciting new opportunities and creative solutions to challenges.

This brings us to our storytelling for education series full of fun stories about our “best mistakes”, “best awful moments”, “best complete fails, and the great lesson-points behind our “multicultural language”.
Plus children and adults love to listen to our adventures and little stories from around the world. We strive to bring more understanding about our role within communities, societies and nature. So, if you are a school or other institution dedicated to the betterment of Humanity, please, contact us!
If you like what you see, don’t hesitate…
And be generous, inspire others
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