Economia Regenerativa
Mòdul 01: Introducció1.1 Lliçó-1: T'interessa la regeneració?
1.2 Lliçó-2: Què és l'economia regenerativa?
1.3 Lliçó-3: Principis d'Economia Regenerativa9 Temes
1.3.1 Principi 1: Mantenir una circulació forta i transversal de fluxos clau, com ara energia, informació, recursos i diners.
1.3.2 Principi 2: Reinversió regenerativa i sostinguda
1.3.3 Principis 3 i 4: mantenir entrades fiables i sortides saludables
1.3.4 Principi 5: Mantenir un bon equilibri entre diferents tipus d'organitzacions.
1.3.5 Principi 6: Mantenir una barreja equilibrada de resiliència i eficàcia.
1.3.6 Principi 7: Mantenir una diversitat suficient
1.3.7 Principi 8: Fomentar relacions de cooperació i principis compartits per tots
1.3.8 Principi 9: Fomentar l'acció positiva i restringir el comportament especulatiu i excessivament extrovertit
Principi 10: Fomentar un aprenentatge eficient, flexible i en grup
1.3.1 Principi 1: Mantenir una circulació forta i transversal de fluxos clau, com ara energia, informació, recursos i diners.
1.4 Lliçó-4: Cap a una economia regenerativa1 Quiz
Mòdul-02: Anar més enllà dels cercles2.1 Lliçó-1: De l'economia lineal a la circular
2.2 Lliçó-2: El sistema imbricat
2.3 Lliçó-3: De centrar-se en el producte a centrar-se en el procés1 Quiz
Mòdul-03: Canvi de mentalitat d'economia regenerativa3.1 Lliçó-1: Canvia la mentalitat per transformar el sistema1 Tema
3.2 Lliçó-2: Canvi de mentalitat: ?Fent? a ?Ser?2 Temes
3.3 Lliçó-3: Canvi de mentalitat: ?Ego? a ?Soul?1 Tema|1 Quiz
Mòdul 04: Marc d'Economia Regenerativa4.1 Lliçó-1: Nivells de paradigma6 Temes
4.2 Lliçó-2: Entendre els nivells de paradigma com a sistema
4.3 Lliçó-3: Evolució d'una pràctica d'economia regenerativa5 Temes
4.4 Lliçó 4: del creixement quantitatiu al creixement qualitatiu2 Temes|1 Quiz
Mòdul 05: Enfocament col·laboratiu de l'economia regenerativa5.1 Lliçó-1: Ecologia i economia regenerativa 1
5.2 Lliçó-2: Economia del desenvolupament humà9 Temes
5.3 Lliçó-3: Enfocament regeneratiu del desenvolupament econòmic global7 Temes
5.3.1 Riscos associats al creixement econòmic tradicional
5.3.2 Una estratègia evolutiva regenerativa per crear riquesa comunitària
5.3.3 Desenvolupament de la intel·ligència comunitària basada en el lloc: una estratègia en tres fases
5.3.4 Fase 1: Pensar estratègicament
5.3.5 Segona fase: Canvi de sistemes
5.3.6 Tercera Fase: Institucionalització de Patrons i Camps de Planificació Estratègica
5.3.7 Els canvis
5.3.1 Riscos associats al creixement econòmic tradicional
5.4 Lliçó-4: Cultura Regenerativa3 Temes|1 Quiz
Mòdul 06: Inversió regenerativa6.1 Lliçó-1: El paper de les empreses2 Temes
6.2 Lliçó-2: Invertir des d'una ment regenerativa1 Tema
6.3 Lliçó-3: El sistema alimentari inverteix en una economia regenerativa4 Temes|1 Quiz
Participants 102
4.1 Lliçó-1: Nivells de paradigma
desembre 22, 2024
A framework we call Levels of Paradigm is one of the best ways to recognize the differences between various economic paradigms. We refer to a paradigm as a cognitive framework that contains the fundamental presuppositions, modes of thought, and technique that are widely shared among group members. Individuals are unable to coexist in numerous paradigms at once while maintaining coherence for this reason. It is understandable why so many individuals and organizations are opposed to adopting a new paradigm because doing so would mean letting go of too many beliefs they have about what is real, comfortable, and desirable. But, once a paradigm introduces a fresh, internally consistent method of understanding reality, it invariably replaces the prior one. More dissonance, debility, and even violent conflicts, both internally and externally, ensue from the resisters’ attempts to incorporate the new language and concepts into their preexisting conception of reality.
It’s not uncommon for people to cling to familiar approaches to worldview, despite the fact that doing so makes it harder for them to confront and deal with reality. Hence, we want to make it very obvious that, in our opinion, shifting one’s paradigm of thought is not just desirable or advantageous but also vitally necessary at this point in history.
The framework that follows outlines a collection of paradigms that are understandable and recognisable and frequently influence current dialogue and thought. It also exemplifies the idea that surpassing one’s paradigm comes from a focused attempt to advance. Work at the top level produces the most power and leverage since each level of a paradigm symbolizes an expansion of knowing beyond the paradigms that came before it.
With the aid of a framework like this, people and organizations can identify the paradigms that are guiding their choices and identify any inconsistencies between their intentions and actions. They may finally let go of the old paradigms and truly embrace the new thanks to this.
Each successive level in a hierarchy has a different capacity for handling complexity and connecting systems than the level below it. When someone approaches work from a lower paradigm, they are constrained in what potential can be identified and explored as well as the types of value that may be produced. Without allowing go of the outdated paradigm, it is simply not feasible to see the values maintained at a higher level. In light of this approach, the regenerate life level is the most complete, systematic, and leveraged venue to engage on economic practice or policy.
It’s crucial to realize that this framework doesn’t really represent activity or doing levels. This use of it can be dangerous since it leads one to believe that different types of activities are both required and beneficial. This hides the reality that paradigms are about ment, not activity. People’s perceptions of information, their ability to make sense of it, and the potential outcomes they are able to imagine are all influenced by their paradigms. This implies that according to the stage of paradigm through which it is engaged, the identical subject or activity will appear entirely different. The necessity to rigorously adopt a fresh approach to familiar tasks and routines and the requirement to unlearn and give up cognitive patterns that bind one to the old paradigm are two of the largest obstacles to adopting a new paradigm.